The Most Disruptive Strategy You're Not Using Enough

With all the new tools out there, you're likely forgetting you're most valuable asset...

Read time: 3 minutes

Hi AI Pro!

In a world obsessed with the latest AI tools and cutting-edge marketing strategies, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly drives success. Today, I’m shifting gears to focus on something more fundamental—and frankly, more powerful—than any new technology: the importance of genuinely listening to your customers.

As we finish off the week, I want to challenge you to reconsider how much time and effort you’re really dedicating to this practice. The insights you gain might just be the most disruptive force for growth in your business.


The tech industry thrives on innovation, but in our pursuit of the next big thing, we often forget that the most game-changing ideas don’t come from our competitors, the news, or the latest trends—they come from our customers.

Jeff Bezos understood this better than anyone. His strategy at Amazon wasn’t just about outpacing the competition; it was about obsessing over the customer’s needs, even when those needs weren’t fully articulated.

By placing an empty chair in every meeting to represent the customer, Bezos ensured that every decision was made with the customer’s perspective in mind. This wasn’t just symbolic—it was a daily reminder that, without the customer, there is no business.


Let’s be contrarian for a moment: the latest AI tool or marketing trend might make your processes more efficient, but if you’re not actively listening to your customers, you’re building on quicksand. Here’s why listening to customers is the real competitive edge:

  • Customers Reveal the Next Big Thing: Instead of chasing competitors or trends, why not listen to the people who actually use your product? Customers often highlight pain points or opportunities that no market analysis or AI can predict. These insights can lead to innovations that set you apart in ways your competitors haven’t even considered.

  • The Trap of Incremental Improvement: Focusing solely on competitors often leads to incremental improvements—a little faster, a little cheaper. But when you focus on your customers, you open the door to transformative changes. You’re not just making your product better; you’re making it indispensable.

  • The Customer as a Partner in Innovation: By treating customers as partners rather than just end-users, you gain a direct line to what truly matters. This partnership can guide not just your marketing but your product development, customer service, and long-term strategy.


So, how do you turn this contrarian perspective into action? Here are steps you can take today to ensure you’re truly listening to your customers:

  • Reserve a Seat for the Customer—Literally and Figuratively: Adopt Bezos’ practice of leaving an empty chair in every meeting to symbolize the customer’s presence. But don’t stop there—make it a rule that no decision gets approved unless the customer’s perspective is explicitly considered. Ask, “What would the customer think?” before signing off on anything.

  • Ask the Right Questions: Engage directly with your customers. Don’t just ask them if they like your product—ask them what frustrates them, what they wish they could do with your product, or what they hope your product could help them achieve in the future. Questions like “What’s one thing we could do to make your experience better?” can reveal surprising insights.

  • Challenge Your Assumptions: Take a hard look at your current strategies and ask, “Are we doing this because it’s best for the customer, or because it’s what everyone else is doing?” Be willing to pivot if you realize that your assumptions aren’t aligned with customer needs.

  • Act on Feedback—Immediately: Create a system for rapidly implementing customer feedback. Whether it’s a small tweak or a major overhaul, showing your customers that you’re listening—and acting—builds trust and loyalty that no marketing campaign can replicate.

  • Incorporate Customer Insights into Every Strategy: Don’t silo customer feedback as just another data point. Instead, integrate it into every aspect of your business strategy. Make customer-driven insights the starting point for your next marketing campaign, product development cycle, or business expansion plan.


  • Are we truly listening to our customers, or are we just validating our own ideas?

  • What’s the last piece of customer feedback that led to a significant change in our business?

  • How often do we prioritize customer feedback over competitor analysis in our strategy meetings?

  • What’s one thing our customers have consistently asked for that we’ve yet to deliver?

  • If we were to start from scratch, what would our customers tell us to do differently?

TLDR: Listening to your customers is more than just good practice; it’s the disruptive strategy that could unlock your business’s next phase of growth.

As you reflect on the week, remember that while AI tools and marketing trends can enhance your capabilities, it’s your customers who hold the key to sustainable success. Recenter your focus on them, and you’ll find the clarity needed to outmaneuver competitors, innovate meaningfully, and keep your business on a trajectory of continuous growth.

Here’s to finishing the week strong by reconnecting with what truly matters.

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